Editorial: «We Party.» Pull & Bear A/W 2016
We are on the Christmas party season and all the high street players are amping up their game with new, more stylish evening wear. Forget Christmas jumpers and think more Grammy Awards after party. And at Pull & Bear they show their true colours on their newest editorial We Party. Yes, just like that. We party. Period. Self explanatory enough?
The last few weeks have been a bit of a whirlwind between a massive cold and travelling abroad with work. So let me start with an apology for the abandonment. I will soon update you on the wha-ha-happened.
But, back to Pull & Bear, I am very impressed with the selection of items and not just because they are all in the grey scale. It is a clear step up from their usual youthful ways whilst still being cool and uncomplicated.
The editorial has the grit of this low key, low res aesthetic that is so in vogue now, in this tendency to eightify everything. The world seen through a Stranger Things lens, as a reflection of the nostalgia for the pre-internet times.
Looking forward checking it all out in person this weekend. Check the pictures below.